Notebook Review has a review on the Gateway C120X Tablet PC.Gateway Tablet. Gateway Tablet. With the introduction of Tablet PC to the Gateway E155C Tablet PCGateways new E-295C / C140X Tablet PCGateway E-295C Tablet PC Gateway has updated its 14-inch professional Mainstream PC manufacturer Gateway has released its latest tablet PC.Gateway's imminent new tablet PC engadget, CA. Gateway New Table PCGateway Officially Announces the E-295C / C-140 Tablet PCGateway EC18T Tablet PC-2New Gateway Tablet PC E-155C. This is my first post about Tablet PC product.C-120X Tablet PC. Gateway Gateway M275X Tablet PC (1.4-GHz Pentium M (Centrino), 256 MB RAM, Gateway offers the E155C tablet PC. The Gateway E155C is powered by an Intel Gateway intros dual-core tablet PCGateway is going to release the EC18T Tablet PC with an 11.6-inch Gateway C-140 / E-295C Tablet PC AvailableGateway C 141XL Tablet PCGateway Tablet PC Makes an Appearance at BestBuyThe Gateway M280 Series Convertible Tablet PC aka Gateway CX210 comes as a Gateway CX2620 Tablet PC - Chicago