blizzard of 1967 chicago

Buried cars at Lakeshore Drive and Foster Avenue (Chicago)The Blizzard of 1967 - Jan. 26, 1967. In a record snowfall, January 1967 was already quite chilly for the Chicago area, Western Ave in the Blizzard of 1967, Chicago by johnmartine63Chicago Snowstorm 1967.jpg. Chicago Blizzard of 1967 by johnmartine63The Chicago Blizzard of 1967 - Unknown ChicagoChicago is under a blinding blizzard the likes of which we haven't seen CHICAGO BLIZZARD OF 1967 POSTERS by corndoggieCars are stranded on Lake Shore Drive during the blizzard of 1967Anniversary of Infamous Blizzard of 1967. January 26, 2006 11:11 PMThe 1967 snowstorm probably caused the biggest disruption to the commerce Chicago Blizzard of 1967 · Western Ave in the Blizzard of 1967, Chicago Warshawski recall in vivid detail the Great Chicago Snowstorm of 1967:Blizzard of 1967 and the Downstate Ice StormThe heavy snowfall of the 1967 blizzard turned the landscape white and Chicago Blizzard of 1967Now THIS was a snowstorm - the Chicago Blizzard of January 1967.The Chicago Blizzard of 1967 - Unknown ChicagoImage Credit: Chicago Transit Authority. (Ed. Note: Whenever a blizzard Photo gallery: the 1967 Chicago blizzard. 23 inches.