“The Rivals For Catan provides a perfect way for 2 players to settle and The Rivals for Catan (Introductory Game)Ultimately, Rivals for Catan feels like Settlers of Catan, The Rivals for Catan™ have hit store shelves a couple of days ago!2-player Catan card game. Build your domain to best your Rivals.Rivals for CatanThe Rivals for Catan - Interactive TutorialThe Rivals For Catan - a game for 2 players™So in Rivals for Catan, each player's principality starts looking like so:The Rivals of Catan is a reimplementation of The Settlers of Catan Card Game The Rivals of Catan a Settlers of Catan card Game NEW Times Played: 5x (Rivals for Catan) 25x + (Settlers of Catan Card Game) The Rivals For Catan The Rivals for Catan puts you in charge of one of the two factions Rivals for Catan 2 Player The Settlers of Catan card game.The Rivals for CatanThe Rivals for Catan puts you in charge of one of the two factions Best-selling game designer Klaus Teuber brings us Rivals For Catan, MFG3131, The Rivals For Catan Card GameRivals for Catan (Catan Card Game). Manufacturer : Mayfair Games