New Hoover Dam by-passHoover Dam bypass bridge. At the moment, the structure looks like a tags: hoover dam bypassThe new Hoover dam bypass bridge, Las Vegas, United States Hoover Dam Bypass Hoover Dam BypassHoover Dam Bypass refers to the construction of the Mike O'Callaghan-Pat The Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge - Page 1 - RunRyder RC HelicopterHoover Dam Bypass ConstructionHoover Dam BypassI found a lot of good information on the Hoover Dam Bypass Project website.Hoover Dam and the Hoover Dam Bypass, July 28, 2009 (NAZ Today/Brandon Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge is a sight to beholdThe water in Lake Mead is very low these days. Every time I see it, Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge. there are only a handful of architectural feats  It's the Hoover Dam bypass Just wanted to share a picture showing the progess of the Hoover Dam bypass:Ashley · Ground Squirrel · Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge Under Construction Hoover Dam Bypass Project It will take longer to construct the bridge than Hoover Dam Bypass. Arch construction as seen from the high-line.